This support article will cover the process of claiming promo codes on Theta.
Step 1: Claim the item in your inventory
Step 2: Verify your information and claim this item.
Upon claiming, you will also be sent the promo code to the email that is provided here. You can check your email inbox in the case you close the promo code screen.
Step 3: Receive for code for the Theta Shop
The promo code that you will be granted from Theta will be used on the Theta shop. You must complete the following steps to receive the actual usable promo code.
Step 4: Proceed to the Theta Shop
Upon clicking the "Redeem your code here" button, you should have the code automatically coped to your clipboard. You can hit the OK button to proceed to the site to use this promo code. (Pop-Up blockers may prevent you from being redirected to the relevant Theta Shop page.
Step 5: Enter Your Theta Username and Add to Cart
Make sure to accurately enter your Theta username to before adding the item to your cart. Your promo code may not be delivered if you provide an incorrect username.
Step 6: Sign in / Create an account and Checkout
You must have an account on the Theta Shop to checkout your items. The account on the Theta Shop is different from your account. You may need to make a new account if you haven't already. You will be able to add the promo code to cover the cost of the item after clicking the 'Checkout' button.
Step 7: Enter your Promo Code and complete checkout
At the checkout screen you will be able to add a discount code. You will see the discount of your code applied to the final amount. You will need to complete information on this page to claim your prize. You should receive your usable promo code or steam game key within 24 business hours via e-mail.
Helpful Tips
1) You can navigate to your account redemption history to see your code and redemption link:
2) If any fraudulent activity was used to obtain your promo code, your item will not be delivered and you may have your account deactivated.
3) Once the promo code has been processed by the Theta team. You will likely receive an email from 'SendOwl Downloads' to the email address used on the Theta Shop.